Saturday, June 20, 2009

Waiting Game...

So, my papers are officially in, now waiting on Salt Lake for my call. Wow... I'm a really nervous/anxious/excited/losing-my-mind bunch of nerves right now! Someone from my ward submitted his papers around two weeks ago, and just got his call to Albuquerque, New Mexico. That means I should have mine about two weeks from now too, and we'll probably be in the MTC (missionary training center) together. Soooo crazy!

Right now I'm in the process of moving. I'll be staying with my best friend Bryce pretty much until I leave while I'm working (on my way to paying half of my mission all on my own! Costs about $9,600 for a two year mission, I'll have roughly $5,000 by the end of next month) and staying with my Mom on the weekend. My plans this summer? Study, study, study, have tons of fun, study some more, play some video games, work out, and study! That's the plan at least ;P

Ok, that's all for tonight. I'll keep you posted!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Friends, family, and the like - hello! I set up this blog to keep in touch with all those I care about enough to keep in touch with. It's the most convenient way I've found to do this, as it lets me share what's going on in my life in a visual, interactive(ish) environment. Well, it beats emails at least.

Here's the story! I just finished up my last real day of high school today, and I'll be fully graduated at the end of the week! In about three months time, I'll be 19. That means I'm going on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! (OK guys, you can stop rolling your eyes at me. Not everyone here's Mormon!) Pretty much every boy who's been brought up in this church has been taught that a mission is what they should aim for. Certainly not a requirement, as "the bar has been raised" and the qualifications are higher than they have ever been, but something I could never in good conscious fail to take part of. I've been incredibly blessed throughout my entire life, and I know I have to make it up in some part by giving of my time and strength for the next two years and serve the Lord.

So that is where I will be in just a few months! I'll get my call about 3 weeks from now, give or take a few days. My eldest brother, Kent, served in the Philippines and now speaks fluent Tagalog. My older brother, Ryan, served in São Paulo, Brazil, and speaks fluent Portuguese. Both are in the U.S. Coast Guard and have been incredibly blessed by their service (the usefulness of their new found language the most outwardly noticeable). It's a great legacy I have to look up to, but also a great strength in their lessons learned and conviction in the gospel.

Upon my leave (in early September-ish) I'll hand over the keys to my best friend and sister, Brianne, who will post regular updates in the form of my letters and photos I'll be relaying home. She'll help me on this end so I can focus on the work!

Well, that about ties it all up for now. I'll be posting again soon with more news about my mission call and other updates in my life until and after then. Thanks for visiting, and I hope to hear from you all soon!

-Future Elder (Jared) Allen