Another awesome week! We taught Jorge Campo, our recent baptizee, just this last thursday before his confirmation on this last Sunday. He wanted me to do it... *heart drops* I was TERRIFIED! Mainly because it was in spanish! But, in all honesty, I did well. And it was so incredible to feel the priesthood and the Lord work through me to accomplish his will. In whatever language we speek!
It looks like this mission is going through some major changes! There's a LOT of missions (including ours) that have all these themes and memorizations and stuff based on case studies of other missionaries, obscure talks on certain aspects of the work, etc. It makes it SO confusing!! But, President just met with the MTC presidency, and they're changing ALL that. Simplifing it. Now, the only focus will be soely on Preach My Gospel. We have more "creative liberty" now to really, well, do what needs to get done! And, most exciting, NO MORE CONTACTING NUMBERS!! Every week we have a quota of 140 "gospel conversations". In all honesty, this leads to 80 "junk contacts" at the end of the week, just talking to people to get numbers. I hate it!! Now, the focus will be simply on talking to people, regardless of number, and just doing our jobs as missionaries! A lot of this hasn't been announced yet. But we have Zone Conference with President, tomorrow!! SO exciting!! Direct revelation for our mission, every 6 weeks. And right after that, general conference! This will be such an awesome weekend!
Anyway, as far as the work goes, we're just pressing along, and getting the work done. Little miricle yesterday - we were a little down and tired last night, did NOT want to go contacting any longer, so we decided to go over our friends the Vallejo family to get some food and teach them a principle, just to not waste time sitting there. Well, just as we were about to leave the house, their friend comes over, and Hna. Vallejo tells us to wait and teach her! So, we did, and she is EXCITED to learn! Shows how the Lord can turn a pointless night into the greatest opportunity. And things like that happen EVERY DAY here on the mission! I love it.
Thanks for all your support, everyone! I'll be here doing our Lord's work! Keep on being great member-missionaries and supporting your local elders!
Elder Allen